Drones on Every Inspection!

Drone with Every Inspection

We perform a free drone inspection on all of our home inspections in order to gain a perfect view of hard-to-reach areas such as complicated roof systems. Every inspector is a FAA Certified Drone Pilot that has passed a series of rigid requirements to obtain their remote pilot certificate from the FAA.

Live On-Site Drone Footage

Live on-site video and clear post-inspection photos expose roof issues such as:







Ponding Water

Improper Repairs



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Drone Inspections for a Charlotte Home Inspection icon

Drone Inspections

Drones used on all inspections  

Most home inspectors are not FAA licensed

Infrared Technology for a Charlotte Home Inspection icon

Infrared Technology

Infrared used on all inspections

Typically additional costs associated

Additional Services with a Charlotte Home Inspection icon

Additional Services In-house

Termite, Radon, Mold, Sewer & More

Most inspectors are unable to provide this

24/7 availability for Home Inspection in Charlotte icon


Same day, next day and weekend availability

Most inspectors are unable to provide this

Schedule Your Drone Inspection

Ready to schedule an inspection? Our office team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Traditional Methods

In the event we cannot fly a drone*, we use more traditional methods to inspect the roof such as ladders, binoculars, and a heavier emphasis on the attic inspection to evaluate the underside of the roof. Rest assured, we have over 35 years of experience and over 50,000 inspections performed.

* Although we always try our best to fly drones on every inspection, there are a few circumstances that sometimes prevent us from flying: FAA restricted airspace, high winds, and heavy rain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q What is a drone inspection?


A drone inspection uses unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with cameras and sensors to examine buildings, infrastructure, or land, capturing detailed images and videos for analysis.

Q Why choose drone inspections over traditional methods?


Drone inspections are cost-effective, fast, safe, and can reach inaccessible areas! They provide thorough visual data quickly and efficiently.

Q What types of inspections can drones perform?


Drones can do various inspections, including roofs, and building facades!

Q Are drone inspections legal in Carolina?


Yes, but regulations may vary by location. It's essential to comply with local laws and regulations when conducting drone inspections. LunsPro Inspection Group ensures all operations are conducted within legal guidelines.

Q How often should I schedule a drone inspection?


The frequency depends on the property. Some need yearly checks, while others need more frequent assessments. Our experts can help determine the optimal schedule for your property.

Q What equipment do drone inspectors use?


At LunsPro Inspection Group, our drone inspectors use state-of-the-art UAVs equipped with high-resolution cameras, thermal imaging technology, and GPS capabilities to ensure accurate and comprehensive inspections.

Q Can drones detect structural defects accurately?


Yes, drones can identify various structural defects, including cracks, corrosion, loose bolts, and other issues.

Q How safe are drone inspections conducted by LunsPro?


Safety is our top priority and our drone inspectors are trained professionals who adhere to strict safety protocols, including avoiding flying near people or animals, checking weather conditions, and complying with all relevant regulations.

Q How do I choose a reliable drone inspection service in Carolina?


When selecting a drone inspection service, consider factors such as the provider's experience, reputation, equipment quality, and customer reviews.

Q How much are your Drone Inspections?


Drone inspections are included for free with every home inspection service we offer in Carolina. There are no additional charges for utilizing drone technology as part of our comprehensive inspection process.

Contact Us

We're open for business and available to answer any of your questions about home inspections. We promise to respond promptly!